Warszawa, 24-25 września 2019
4Sync Solutions wraz z LOGManager ma przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na warsztat szkoleniowy dla partnerów, który odbędzie się w dniach:
24-25 września 2019r. godz. 9-17
Warszawa, BusinessRoom, ul. T.Chałubińskiego 8, X piętro
Prowadzący: Miroslav Knapovsky, CISSP,CEH, LOGmanager CEO & Security Solution Architect
Zakres szkolenia:
1 dzień:
Sales and presales part:
- Introduction to Security Event Management what/why/who is customer
- Sales pitch – how to sale
- Use cases on examples
- Sales Q&A
Lunch and presales part to continue
- LOGmanager architecture and Flow of logs inside LOGmanager
- First steps in configuration (quick start) with LMDemo
- Upgrade / Downgrade system
- Advanced setup options for LOGmanager network subsystem
- User management and user permissions
- Classification, classification templates and IP prefix lists & hands on
- Tagging logs – How to easily tag logs for later investigation and visualisation
- Parsing rules – explanation of the activity and demonstration of creation of
a simple customer-created parsing rule
2 dzień:
- Resources – logging options from systems that cannot send them to LOGmanager directly (database logging application, VMWARE, Checkpoint OPSEC, Office 365, …)
- Logging from Windows and Windows applications, LOGmanager Windows Event, filtering logs from Windows
- Forwarder – explanation of the operation and configuration example
- Dashboards, how to extract data, create new dashboards, generate reports
& hands on with Dashboards - Alerts – the principle of operation, configuration and testing of new alerts, „best-practice” for writing alerts
- Alert Notification Templates
- Recapitulation
- Questions and Answers
Na zakończenie warsztatów uczestnicy otrzymają certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu.